Saturday, April 6, 2013

We are now living under the reign of the 8th "king," the last pope.

We wish to share with you in all humility and seriousness the important fulfillment of the emergence of the 8th "king," the last pope, and why the 8th is Pope Francis, and not JPII as we previously thought, and how we have erred in our initial understanding of Revelation 17. It is our prayer, here at WLC, that genuine truth seekers will forgive us for this error, as we renew our pledge before Yahuwah that we will never ever by His grace cling to an erroneous position whatsoever, for we earnestly seek to be blameless before Him, with no guile in our doctrines. His Word never fails because it is infallible; our interpretations, however, can fail because we are humans.But those who diligently search His Word under the guidance of His Spirit will be led to the correct understanding of His prophetic Word, in His own appointed time.

We start this short study by sharing the reasons why we believe that Benedict XVI was indeed the 7th king of Revelation 17:

The 7 kings of Revelation 17 can either refer to kingdoms or kings.  There is no third possibility. The context of Revelation 17 is all about the Church of Rome. To apply the "kings" in Revelation 17 to kingdoms would be a flagrant violation of the context, but even if we were to apply kings to kingdoms, there is no combination of kingdoms possible that would be in harmony with description given for the kings, especially as it applies to the reign of the 7th king, which was foretold to be of short duration. There is no kingdom today that would fit the short duration description and that would fall before the commencement of the reign of the 8th.
The "wilderness" context (vs. 3) demands that we focus attention on the time when the papacy was indeed in its "wilderness" experience.  This took place when the papacy received the deadly wound in 1798, when Napoleon banished and exiled Pope Pius VI to Valence in France.  Prior to 1798, the papacy was supreme to all the emperors, kings, and princes of Europe. And in 1929, the papacy was content to see the popes relegated to mere kings over a land mass of only about 100 acres in Rome.  (Until 1860, the papal states alone covered over 1/3 of Italy.)  The count of the 7 kings thus began with Pius XI.
The consequential order of the popes from Pius XI to Benedict XVI fits perfectly with the prophetic description given in Revelation 17 in two ways: in the reign of the 6th king/pope, and the reign of the 7th king/pope. In the former, it was confirmed when the angel took John to the reign of the 6th king (JPII), the longest reign amongst the 7 kings, and the pope who will be most remembered by the end time generation. This consequential order was also astonishingly confirmed by the unprecedented  and sudden resignation of Benedict XVI, which has shocked the world and shaken the Catholic Church.

8 Kings (Popes) of Revelation17

If the 7th King was indeed Benedict XVI, then it follows that the pope that comes after him would be the 8th. Revelation 17 does not permit any gap or transition between the 7th and the 8th. So why did JPII not emerge right after the end of Benedict XVI’s reign? Have we at WLC erred in identifying the identity of the 8th? We have indeed erred, and for this unintentional blunder, we seek with all humility the forgiveness of Yahuwah, our heavenly Father, and Yahushua our Saviour. We also seek the forgiveness of every student of Bible prophecy, who agreed with us that the impersonated JPII was to be the 8th "king."

How did we err in thinking that 8th king/pope would be the impersonated JPII? Here is how:

The "bottomless pit" is well established in the Bible as the abode of devils. Since the 8th king/pope was to come from the "bottomless pit," we assumed wrongly that he would be one of Satan’s fallen angels impersonating one of the previous 7 popes. This we arrived at by the phrase "and the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven" (vs. 11). (Click here for an explanation of why WLC now believes that the "seven heads" mentioned in Revelation 17:9 and the 8 kings referenced in verses 10 & 11 are mutually exclusive points/identifiers.) Of the 7 kings, JPII stands out as the most important and the most known by the end-time generation. Thus, it was natural to assume that if the 8th king/pope was a devil, he would then impersonate JPII. The context of the "bottomless pit," however, can also suggest that the 8th king/pope will be fully under the control and guidance of Satan and his fallen angels to a degree not seen in the previous 7 popes. This now seems the right interpretation for the bottomless pit of Revelation 17.

As to the divine hint "one is" (vs. 10), we also read into it more than was intended. When John was given the vision, he was taken to the time of JPII. It was natural to take John to the reign of the most important of the 7 kings. Taking John to the reign of the 6th merely confirmed that the 7 kings were indeed 7 popes, and the 6th was chosen because his reign was the longest, the most distinguished of the 7 popes, and most importantly because he is the most highly regarded, remembered, and loved pope in our day.

"The beast that was [until 1798], and is not, [at the time of reign of 6th king, it is still wilderness time for the beast] even he is eighth [but during the reign of the 8th, the beast power will be fully restored to the papacy], and is of the seven, [the 8th, though a beast power now, is yet a king, just like the previous 7 fallen kings], and goeth into perdition [the Eighth will not prevail, and will be destroyed and punished violently by the ten kings, when they realize belatedly the evil nature of beast]. (vs. 11).

Pope Francis I © Time MagazineWhich scenario would best serve Satan’s deceptive plan for the final crisis: introducing the 8th king/pope as JPII (as we formerly believed), or as Francis I? We are convinced beyond a shadow of doubt that introducing the 8th as Francis I serves Satan, the master deceiver, much better for the following reasons:

While prophecy students were eagerly awaiting the emergence of JPII, Satan hath stealthily introduced the 8thking/pope with no fanfare, and amidst worldwide acceptance. Many of us who were pinning our hopes on the impersonation of JPII were greatly disappointed that our expectations were not met, and some [sadly] are likely to give up on Bible prophecies. We appeal to those who are tempted to despair and give up their faith in Bible prophecies to not give Satan the chance to claim a victory.
The impersonation of JPII would have given truth the kind of credibility that Satan fears the most. Thus, it was necessary for Satan to devise a plan for the introduction of the 8thking/pope that would not help the cause of Yahuwah’s followers, and that would lead many to be discouraged when their expectations of the impersonated JPII were not met. This discouragement is a triumph for Satan, and he ensured that the emergence of the 8th king/pope would be a source of discouragement for many of Yahuwah’s followers.
By not sending one of his fallen angels to impersonate JPII, Satan succeeded in avoiding a needless battle with those Christians who would have denounced this emergence of JPII as a false resurrection, reminding the world that the dead will remain dead until the resurrection, and that the appearance of a dead person is indeed a demonic activity. Such resistance from some of the informed Christians would have caused a needless distraction for Satan and would have, at a minimum, undermined the agenda Satan has set for the 8th king/pope to accomplish in the relatively short time he has. We need to stress very clearly that future impersonations of several Bible characters climaxing in Satan himself impersonating Yahushua will take place - after the First Woe when the world will be deceived into believing that it was the 8th king/pope who succeeded in ending this demonic alien invasion. After this milestone, the world will be conditioned to believe any thing uttered by the 8th king/pope - Francis I.
Satan foresaw the economic depression that would engulf the world in the final battle just prior to the Second Coming of Yahushua, triggered by the destructive forces he will unleash on our planet. Thus, he planned that the 8th king/pope would be someone who has established an enviable credibility with the poor in his mother country. Armed with this credibility, the 8thking/pope will exploit it to draw behind him the growing countless poor of the world; he will galvanize the poor to bring pressure to bear on the politicians of the world to adopt the kind of laws and enactments that would severely cut religious freedoms that are enjoyed in many countries today. As the number of the poor steadily increases around the world, due to the ever worsening global economic conditions, the poor will become a powerful, destructive, and threatening tool in the hand of the 8th, king/pope against world leaders.
Who can cause more harm and martyrdom than a Jesuit pope? Pope Francis I is the first such pope in the history of the Roman Catholic Church to be a Jesuit. Satan has been readying the 8th king/pope for many decades, and he could not find a better candidate for the role of the 8th king than a Jesuit pope. It is not surprising now for us to imagine how and why countless faithful believers will be martyred in the coming years at the behest of 8th king!
The reign of the 8th king/pope will incorporate at least 3.5 years, during which Yahuwah’s faithful followerswill prophesy wearing sackcloth (Revelation 11:3). Add to the 3.5 years the time it will take for Yahuwah’s angels to sound the first 4 trumpets (Rev. 8) , plus the 5th trumpet which will last 5 months (Rev.9:1-5). Thus, we can conclude that the reign of the 8th will potentially be even shorter than the reign of the 7thking/pope. Thus, the current age of the 8th king/pope is therefore not an obstacle, given that he is 76 years old. The 8th already gloats that his age is a big plus, as it reflects accumulated knowledge and wisdom.  Irrespective of how long Francis I will reign, it is certain that he is the last popebefore the soon Second Advent of our Master and Saviour, Yahushua the Anointed.

Pope Francis I

                              Pope Francis I  © REUTERS/ Max Rossi

The good news that we now wish to share with you is that we are at last living during the reign of the 8th "king" and that we are only few years away from the glorious Second Coming of Yahushua, and eternity. However, between now and the Second Coming, we have to pass through the mother of all persecutions and trials. There is much work to be done in our hearts and characters, and much work to be done warning the world of what is about to transpire. Are we ready for life under the reign of 8th "king," the last pope of Rome? We pray that we all will become ready before our personal probation is forever closed.

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